Jesko Fezer & Studio Experimentelles Design (Eds.)
Öffentliche Gestaltungsberatung — Public Design Support 2011 – 2016
“Public Design Support is a working hypothesis for design. It’s based on the assumptions that designers can make a significant contribution to questions of everyday life, that design education should include engagement with real problems, and that design is best done in cooperation with those directly affected. Public Design Support offers free practical help for autonomous action. It encourages the development of alternative concepts of the urban by design processes. It is an engaged and political form of design, since it turns other people, problems, and spaces into actors and objects in the design process. This publication – which includes key projects, scholarly essays, and significant historical texts – chronicles the aspirations, methods, projects, and problems of the first five years of Public Design Support.”
With contributions by Julia Albani, Sherry R. Arnstein, Baltic Raw, Max Borka, Friedrich von Borries, Lucius Burckhardt, Amelie Deuflhard, Boğachan Dundaralp, Jesko Fezer, Martina Fineder, Jens-Uwe Fischer, Tina Fritsche, Thomas Geisler, Sophie Goltz, Naomi Henning, Ulrike Jordan, Steffen Jörg, Janne Kempe, Silvia Knüppel, Van Bo Le-Mentzel, Werner Möller, Victor Papanek, Jörg Petruschat, Planbude, Katja Reichard, Tim Rieniets, Tina Röthig, Martin Schmitz, Dirk Schneider, Jan Steyaert, Sabine Stövesand, Pelin Tan, Sebastian Topp, Tim Voss
Designed by Nils Reinke-Dieker, Larissa Starke, Friederike Wolf
Sternberg Press
ISBN 978-3-95679-183-3