Latest New Book “Der Ulmer Hocker. Idee – Ikone – Idol” Ulmer Mélange 01 at HfG-Archiv Ulm Ulmer Mélange 03 at Design Miami/ Basel Ulmer Mélange 03 at Priveekollektie Art I Design Gallery / NL Professor at FHP / University of Applied Sciences Potsdam >INTERSECTION< Frankfurter Mélange #01 & Ulmer Mélange #02 at Gallery Feldbusch Wiesner Rudolph, Berlin Lecturer at Akademie für Mode und Design Hamburg Winter Fur Stool & Neutralizer No. 1 at Priveekollektie Art I Design, NL Frankfurter Mélange Chairs at Vargas Museum Quezon City, Philippines Drückeberger cupboard & Pl(a)ywood cabinet #1 at Red Dot Design Museum Xiamen, China Drückeberger cupboard & Pl(a)ywood cabinet at >China Design Museum of China Academy of Art< Hangzhou Pl(a)ywood cabinet #2 / oak wood at Priveekollektie Art I Design, NL Bird-Kite-Kit at Design Museum Gent Neutralizer 01 at VENICE DESIGN 2019 exhibition at Palazzo Michiel Militant Optimism / Bold Activism – Global Design Politics NEW / Teilhaber 01-07 Anders als Immer / Uschinsky University & Bavarian House Odessa, Ukraine Pure Gold. Upcycled! Upgraded! The Secretariat Yangon, Myanmar Workshops at MARKK – Museum am Rothenbaum. Künste und Kulturen der Welt Visiting lecturer at Kunsthochschule Kassel Spectrum of Time at Gallery Priveekollektie Contemporary Art | Design Kreaturen nach Maß – Tiere und Gegenwartsdesign / Museum Marta Herford TRANSPLANTS / Workshop / Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg Frankfurter Mélange #2 & #3 at Thailand Creative and Design Center TCDC Bangkok Flow of Forms – Forms of Flow / Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg / Lecture Drückeberger cupboard & Pl(a)ywood cabinet at Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia Home Zoo Covers at Hubertus Wald Kinderreich / Museum of Arts & Crafts Hamburg / TIERE exhibition Webside under construction! >somewhat different< at Gallery of Fine Arts Uzbekistan Designxport Hamburg Pure Gold. Upcycled! Upgraded! Museum of Arts & Crafts Hamburg Galerie Jürgen Becker Pl(a)ywood table#1 at Museum of Applied Arts and Design in Vilnius New Book ›SaloneSatellite 20 years of new creativity‹ Pl(a)ywood table at DesignMarch Iceland Gallery Priveekollektie Contemporary Art I Design, NL Pearl_S at Circle Culture Gallery Bad Design / Good Design at Designxport Hamburg 20 years of New Creativity. The best of 20 years Salone Satellite, exhibition Refugium State of Design exhibition in Berlin VENICE DESIGN 2016 at the Palazzo Michiel / Architecture Biennale Venice new Book ›Almost Secret‹ Studio Silvia Knüppel / Blickfang Selected Studio Silvia Knüppel at Dutch Design Week Roundabout Baltic exhibition- Design with a sea view PET MARKET / Galerie erstererster Berlin Drückeberger & Pl(a)ywood at Crystal Design Center Bangkok Out of the Ordinary – solo exhibition Transforming Design. Maximiliansforum München Nachtschattengewächse / SZ-Magazin Atelier Oumou Sy Dakar / Dokumenta 12